Are You Prepared for a Power Outage?

Get a reliable supply of power in Dartmouth, New Bedford, MA, or the surrounding area with the help of a generator installer

There's nothing more disappointing than having to deal with a power outage in the middle of movie night, or finding out that all the food in your fridge has spoiled. Luckily, a generator installer from Marc Cabral Electrician can give you a reliable source of backup power whenever you need it in the Dartmouth or New Bedford, MA area.

Get a free estimate on generator installation services by contacting us today.

Stay ahead of power problems

Stay ahead of power problems

Your generator is plan B in case of a power outage, so make sure it's ready for an emergency by hiring a trusted generator installer. If you lose power:

  • The food in your refrigerator could spoil.
  • Your electrical devices could malfunction.
  • You or a loved one could get injured in the dark.
We offer a six-month warranty on our work. Call 508-207-6560 now to schedule generator installation services in Dartmouth, New Bedford, MA, or the surrounding area.